Construction of biotechnical treatment barriers in pollution discharge areas to natural water sources

Soils treatment from dissolved oil and petroleum products pollution

Technology applications examples
Exceeding the MPC of petroleum products in the river flowing along the territory of the oil refinery.
Rainwater and meltwater infiltrate into the karst massif and filter through the lens due to density differences.
Groundwater is saturated with soluble petroleum products and flows into the river.
Numerous orders from Rosprirodnadzor, fines.
Application of a new patented technology
Based on application of biological methods - introducing a concentrate of aerobic bacteria capable of processing hydrocarbons into polluted groundwater
The concentration of petroleum products in groundwater is reduced by a factor of 3.5
Unlike methods based on pumping the contaminated liquid, the proposed technology does not destroy the aeration zone, which protects from contamination intrusion into the underlying groundwater horizons.
Substantially cheaper than alternative technologies.
Constant monitoring of groundwater: level, temperature, mineralization and dissolved oxygen count.
Regular sampling is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the complex.


Groundwater treatment technology from dissolved petroleum products is used when the pollutant concentration is too low to use traditional mechanical means of collection, but nevertheless the discharge of oil-contaminated groundwater exceeds the MPC petroleum products of the nearby water bodies and does not allow the use of polluted land and water for economic purposes without treatment.

As a rule, in such cases, groundwater is pumped from the aquifer to the surface, treated in bioreactors and pumped back. The method of biological treatment has significant disadvantages, such as material costs and work labor input. In addition, in some cases, hydrogeological conditions do not allow to use drainage and pumping of oily water. Often chemicals, various preparations, including microbiological ones, are used, which are themselves harmful to the environment.
The proposed technology is an alternative to pumping and treatment of water in bioreactors and treatment with chemicals. It significantly reduces material costs and work labor input and is environmentally friendly.
The technology implies biological groundwater treatment from dissolved petroleum products directly in the reservoir by continuous stimulation of natural biological processes of petroleum hydrocarbons decomposition without pumping.

Work stages

Survey on the polluted site
Geological-ecological survey is a complex of measures allowing to study the land according to the following aspects: land forms and geological structure of filtration zone, groundwater characteristics, degree and composition of pollution by hydrocarbons. The current situation is analyzed and its change in the future is predicted in the course of this work.
Microbiological study of the soil allows to determine the type and concentration of aerobic bacteria, to identify the native strain. The results of the study allow us to decide whether it is necessary to increase the active biomass.
Well drilling
The design for well construction and equipping is developed based on the test results. Full-scale works on drilling and arrangement of wells with filters are carried out. Analysis and selection of filter design.
Installation of emitters in boreholes for oxygen supply
Selection of emitters: layout, size, tube material is carried out at the stage of project development. Systems installation is carried out in ready and equipped boreholes. The systems are mounted to the elements of the vandal-proof-well head on the adjustable suspension. The company completes and installs the oxygen supply system in coordination with the customer based on the material of the emitter tube and the expected service life of the system.
Introduction of active biomass into wells
Introduction of active biomass into wells is a recommended, but not obligatory part of the process. The need to build up active biomass is determined at the stage of pollution study, it is recommended in order to accelerate the maximum concentration of active microorganisms and the process in general.
Groundwater and soil treatment from hydrocarbons
The proposed method of groundwater and soil treatment from hydrocarbons can be used both separately and in combination with other methods, such as pumping free hydrocarbons from the lenses on the surface of groundwater using the method of depression pits. The combination of methods makes it possible to achieve the maximum degree of treatment and minimize the negative impact of pollution on the hydrosphere.
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Publications and Articles

  • Комбинированные методы очистки подземных вод от нефтяного загрязнения
    Журнал "" read the article
    "Groundwater treatment is a rather complicated scientific, methodological and technical task and, as a rule, requires a comprehensive approach.
    Such an approach was implemented in the area of groundwater pollution by petroleum products, which is discharged into the Kama Reservoir, which is the main source of water supply of Perm Krai."
  • "Development of a complex and technology of groundwater treatment from hydrocarbons using biotechnological methods..."
    Swiss magazine MDPI read the article
    "Groundwater pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons is a widespread environmental problem in many regions. Pollution of unsaturated and saturated zones can also pose a significant risk to human health. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the biodegradation efficiency of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), in an area with loamy and sandy loams, and to determine the features and characteristics associated with groundwater treatment in an area with a constant flow of contaminants."
  • XIII International Forum ECOLOGY
    May 23 - 24 our delegation, consisting of:
    Anatoly Rogovsky, Development director, LNDC GEO LTD, Deputy Chairman of the Board, RosHydroGeo.
    Alexander Kuleshov - CEO of LNDC ltd.
    Participated in the XIII International Forum ECOLOGY, World Trade Center, Moscow.
    Mr. Kuleshov made a report at the working session "Reducing the impact of the oil and gas industry on the environment".
    The topic of the report: "Protection of natural water sources from petroleum products".
    The delegates had a number of useful business meetings.
    The event organizers decided to publish our report in the materials of the Forum
  • Perm residents have invented a way to save the planet from ecological disasters
    URA.RU news agency read the article
    "Specialists from Perm's LNDC company, together with scientists from the Natural Science Institute of Perm State University (NSI PSU), have developed a technology for groundwater treatment from petroleum products. The method is based on introducing bacteria capable of processing hydrocarbons into the soil. The microorganisms placed in a favorable environment quickly multiply and absorb oil, thus reducing the risk of its ingress into water bodies".

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